Here I can eat

There are always some tips for taking an allergic or intolerant to eat in restaurants:

The Bem Vindo Alergico is an allergy and food intolerance awareness project designed by a mother who felt the difficulty of eating safely outside her home. Due to the episodes of reaction that Dante, her son, had in places that were supposed to be safe, his mother, Danila, left for the fight to raise awareness of the risks and responsibilities of establishments that serve food. Hence the #aquieupossocomer/ #hereIcaneat was born so that other families share these establishments and places that have good experiences in service.

  • Look for skilled and conscious places.
  • Even the most conscious and well-trained restaurants can make mistakes, so ask again before ordering the food and take your first aid kit and action plan from the doctor.
  • Talk to the establishment before you go, and explain the restrictions and risks of the allergic or intolerant.
  • Arrive at the beginning of the service, before peak hours, as it is easier to have the employees’ attention.
  • Avoid food services by weight or self-service, in these places the risks of cross contact by utensils are greater.
  • Consider restaurants with normal and basic food. Often a plate of rice and beans with meat is safer than elaborate preparations. But always ask about the preparation and utensils used.
  • Always remember that the control of traces is proportionally more difficult in larger establishments.
  • Ask open-ended questions instead of “yes / no”, go into detail and observe the security of the attendant’s responses and facial expression.
  • When in doubt, look for another option.

We believe that with information we can improve the quality of life for many people who suffer from dietary restrictions. Eating out should be a time of pleasure and unity, but in the case of allergy sufferers, attention and seriousness must be maintained.

Originally published at